Sunday, April 25, 2010

Make Me Happy Blog Award & Giveaways

Make Me Happy Blog Award

Thank you Linda, Megan, and Jessie for the award!
To accept this award, I must list 10 things that makes me happy.

1. Good food like seafood!
2. When I get to make things with my hands like jewelry or desserts.
3. Seeing animals pop in the background of youtube videos.
4. Discovering new movies that become one of my all time favorites. Like ONCE. go watch it!
5. When romantic movies have happy endings. It's cheesy but I really need a happy ending.
6. Taro flavored yogurt or boba tea!
7. Finding cash from old birthday cards. I keep the cards but sometimes forget the cash. It's a nice surprise when I find it!
8. Traveling and going on vacation.
9. Visiting family!
10. Hanging out with friends in real life or online. ;)

Now I tag those who commented on my last post and who have not done this tag before.

And now some giveaways I found interesting...

Angel's Giveaway
Ends May 2nd, 2010 at 11:59PM PST