Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gifts from Japan plus cute pup

My long time high-school friend finally came back to visit and she brought back these goodies for me! She teaches English in Japan so we really haven't talked in a very long time, but I was so glad when she called me up! We went out to the Cheesecake Factory for some fatty American food and it was so much fun. Don't you like how even though you might have changed or not spoken to your friend for sometime you can still just kick back and hang out like the good old times?

Picture above are socks for flip flops, a Stitch Pen, a packet of tea (?), and a Kit Kat! The Stitch pen is really cute. He's on a famous bridge wearing a bear costume. aww!

Citrus Blend Kit Kat - This flavor is really good! It reminds me of a creamsicle. or dreamsicle? It's been such a long time since I actually had one so I can't say for sure. It smelled really nice when you opened the package- all citrus. There's a little bit of sour from the wafer cream but not as much as the Sour Orange Kit Kats. This is a limited edition from Shikoku so it's not likely I can find more. :(

Melted. :( It's tragic I left it in the car while we were eating. I popped it in the freezer before I ate it and it was fine though! Writing this review is really making me want some orange sherbet right now!

My friend's dog is one of the cutest dogs I've encountered. This is Oreo! All furry and crazy. He's a Pomeranian.

This is him a few years later and obviously he just got a hair cut. Aww, poor guy. He looks like an Ewok.

The prize pack I got from Audrey's Giveaway! Thanks! She's really sweet, and I LOVE her blog since the first time I came across it! It has a lot of good info, and it's very organized. She's also a Julu Jewelry customer. :)